Is $.EditablePoly.ConvertSelectionToBorder #Vertex #Edge broken?


$.EditablePoly.ConvertSelectionToBorder #Vertex #Edge >

It simply wont work within a function inside a struct. Puting it in a separate button after running my function (instead than at the end of the function) will work 80% of the time.

I am about to just write my own function to do the eaxact same thing but maybe some of you have already encounter this issue and found a solution ?


I had no problem wrapping $.EditablePoly.ConvertSelectionToBorder #Vertex #Edge inside a struct function.
Maybe show your code?

You could also check:

  1. $ may not be what you expect it to be inside that function. Store off the object you want to work on to a different variable so you’re not relying on selection being correct throughout the whole process.

  2. You could also try <EditablePoly>.ConvertSelection #Vertex #Border