IK Arm Rig Video Series - Maya and 3ds Max


I’ve created a series of videos discussing how to create an IK arm rig which includes elbow sliding, stretching, non-stretchy soft IK, stretchy soft IK and elbow pinning and is also scalable. The arm rig has been created in both 3ds Max using Float Script controllers and Maya using Utility Nodes but also includes instruction on how to set it up using Maya’s Expression Editor.

I’ve tried to go at a steady pace, particularly in Maya, so that everything is understandable. The end scene files are also available for each video, other than the introduction video, just in case anyone gets lost.

The motivation for these series of videos was that I couldn’t find a series of videos which covered anything more complicated that combining stretchy IK with elbow pinning. Hope you all enjoy the series!

IK Arm Tutorial


Cool, I will check them out sometime in the weekend!

Thanks, I know you have skill with Maya, so hopefully the pace isn’t too slow for you, I went slowly because I always find rigging videos in Maya where the Node Editor is used quite hard to follow.


[QUOTE=hazmondo;24354]Thanks, I know you have skill with Maya, so hopefully the pace isn’t too slow for you, I went slowly because I always find rigging videos in Maya where the Node Editor is used quite hard to follow.


Hi Harry! Totally forgot to replay here.

I did start to watch your videos (about half through). You did present some new interesting concept which I haven’t tried before. My intention is too look through all of your videos when I have time. The pace might have been a little to slow for my liking. You really explain well though. :slight_smile: