If statement problem

I am playing around with building a rig based off locator positions and have ran into a small problem with naming. I have a if statement that compares every locator in a list and every joint in another list and if there transforms are the same it gives the joint the locators name. I have a issue where my if statement just stops running in the middle. It doesnt error out and it hasnt completed the list comparison so I dont know whats going on.

def comp():
	grpOne = cmds.textScrollList("grpOne", q=1, allItems=1)
	grpTwo = cmds.textScrollList("grpTwo", q=1, allItems=1)
	for o in (grpOne):
		for t in (grpTwo):
			grpOneT = cmds.getAttr( o + ".translate")
			grpTwoT = cmds.getAttr( t + ".translate")
			if(grpOneT == grpTwoT):
				cmds.joint( t, e=1, n=o)
				cmds.textScrollList("grpOne", e=1, ri=o)
				cmds.textScrollList("grpTwo", e=1, ri=t)
				print(o + " and " + t + " are in the same location")
				print(o + " and " + t + " are not located together")

That is the code. I am running it through a gui and if I run the command to execute that multiple times it will eventually complete the lists. Like I said it never errors or completes it just stops. Thank you for any and all help.

Nevermind, I figured it out. It stopped because it completed the for in loops…

the Google vision tends to reflect the Manichaean values of co-founder Brin’s idiosyncratic Soviet and American upbringing, even though the Cold War paradigm collapsed by the time he was in high wow powerleveling school.
