How to use the 'extract' command and keep the current tool active?

Currently when I use the extract command (found under “Edit Mesh”) it activates this annoying universal gizmo (scale, rotate, translate)
For example

I am trying to find a way to avoid activating it and retain the tool that was active before running the command. I looked up the Mel command, polyChipOff, and it does not appear to have an option for just running the command.

I remember downloading a simple Mel script that did this but I lost it… Does anyone know if this is even possible?

I’m confused by your summary of the polyChipOff command… you say it does not have an option to just “run the command”… but polyChipOff literally is the command, executing it is… just running the command :thinking:
If I select some faces while in the rotate or scale tool for instance, then simply execute:


(in MEL or Python) then my faces are extracted and I’m still in the rotate or scale tool. If you look at the docs for that command it tells you that the -duplicate flag is on by default, which is slightly unexpected, so you may want to use:

polyChipOff -duplicate off;

instead, but either way, sticking that code on a shelf button will extract the selected face(s) and leave you in the same tool context as you started in.

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I confused myself when I was working on this. There are a few commands (extract, separate etc) that I was messing with.

You was actually right I simply needed to run the command with no arguments and that was it!

Thank you