I’m very new to being a technical artist, and I’m running into a (probably common) issue with some of my tools out in the wild.
I’ve got a suite of Maya tools distributed to artists around the studio, and I’d like to find some way of showing the user the tool is out of date when they open it. I have a version number specified on each tool’s UI, and it would be great if that number was highlighted or red when the user should get latest from our source control.
So my question: is there a way for Python to query an online database that I upkeep with the current version numbers? Or does anyone have another solution to this issue they wouldn’t mind sharing?
import urllib
opener = urllib.FancyURLopener({})
f = opener.open("http://www.python.org/")
test = f.read()
So you basicly need to store your latest version number/ID somewhere. Maybe you can also build a simple API on the server side to have more control or information about the specific tool.
I hope this helps!
PS: You could also check the latest version using your version control software ofcourse, just like any other asset?
None of my tools are stored locally on peoples machines. They are all hosted on a remote server and filed in as needed. This means I only have to update 1 file to fix everyone on the floor. I also dont have to deal with straglers and multiple versions on the floor. The only files stored locally are the launcher for the tool browser and some icons for the toolbars. I have a script that runs inside the tool browser to update everything for them if needed. It also writes an INI file to a folder with their username, terminal, all important filepaths and what tools were installed and when.
Im a Max user, so Im not exactly sure how you would do it in Maya, but what I would do is have a remote file that was a struct with a list of my tools and their current gen ie Toolgen.cooltoolone=1.9, Toolgen.cooltooltwo=2.1 etc. As each tools launches, it queries the value, and if it != then the text or highlight becomes red, or a popup occurs.
vonBerg: Thanks for the tips! It seems like one of those links will lead me where I need to go.
Dstinct: Your setup sounds quite streamlined, just having a launcher dependent on the user’s local files. Unfortunately, the only distribution I have access to is the company source control, in this case Perforce.
I’ll explore the options you two were kind enough to offer and post my findings here. Thanks again!
To check if files are up to date in a local perforce workspace, you can always run p4 sync -n //path/to/tools/…
The -n flag will basically turn sync into a query instead of a sync, so if you get back any results, the tools are out of date.
Here is what I implemented to check if a tool is up to date (according to Perforce).
I end up using the P4Python library. It was easy to connect with P4, set the client (workspace) and user then query a file path to see if A) it’s in the workspace, and B) is up to date.
## Query P4 whether a script is up to date.
def check_version(supplied_path = None):
stack = inspect.stack()
if supplied_path == None:
script_path = inspect.getfile(stack[1][0])
script_path = supplied_path
from P4 import P4, P4Exception
p4 = P4()
with p4.connect():
print 'Connected with P4'
user_name = get_perforce_user()
client_name = get_perforce_client()
print 'P4 username : ' + user_name
print 'P4 workspace : ' + client_name
if client_name is not None and user_name is not None:
p4.user = user_name
p4.client = client_name
localRev = p4.run_have(script_path)[0]['haveRev']
headRev = p4.run_files(script_path)[0]['rev']
if localRev < headRev:
cmds.warning(script_path + ' is out of date.')
return False
elif localRev == headRev:
print script_path + ' is up to date.'
return True
except P4Exception:
for e in p4.errors:
return False
The section that has worked so far, but I’m not super confident about is this line:
script_path = inspect.getfile(stack[1][0])
Since I have multiple classes calling this function, I wanted to keep that call as simple as possible. So I looked for a way for that function to get the class that called it, and use that information to derive the script path.
So from there, I edited my tools to call check_version(), and the window’s version label is displayed in red if function returns False.
I am, however, still exploring better options discussed in this thread. Having read through the links Theodox posted, I now have a better understanding of preferred practices, such as using a single ‘launcher’ application for the artists to boot up which houses the utility tools.
It’s also a very common practice to embed version info into a module as version = (0,1) or whatever, then just check that against an expected store. Both of those do require importing the module, however – you can’t look at the module variables or file until a module is loaded which may mean side effects you don’t like. Your method looks like it’s also post-import since you’re getting the file name from the stack of running code.