How to stop Max UI when Rollout Floater is lauched?

Hey guys,

I’d like to make a script that stops Max UI when I launch a rollout floater (just like when a message box is launched) but found no information about it. Does anyone know how to make it?

The floater should keep editable while Max UI is non-functional. A good example of a function that works the way I wish is the “load skin” one (within skin modifier), that is used for retargeting bones. I would like to make something similar.


What you are describing is referred to as a modal dialog. If a dialog is modal it’s parent application will not take input while the modal dialog is displayed.

MaxScript provides modal= keywoard arguments for messageBox(), queryBox(), and createDialog(). newRolloutFloater() does not have that keyword argument. Rollout floaters are always created modeless. If you need your tool to run within a modal dialog you’ll need to create its dialog with createDialog().

Thanks Jeff, createDialog() with modal:true is exactly what I was looking for.