How To Speed Up Render Time

I’m currently trying to find ways to optimize and speed up render time in Maya. I know that there’s a lot that goes into Maya’s rendering process behind the scene’s ( from scene size to hardware) but I’m just trying to minimize the simple hidden ones.

For example, at the last studio I was at they had a light linking script that would delete and re-make, I believe light linking connection, because they would increase after making constant changes to the file.

So if you guys have helpful tips or advice for ways I can help speed up render time, it would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

Here’s the light linking script I was talking about

The biggest question I have is this: What renderer are you guys using?

Depending on that I’m sure there will be a handful of different ideas ranging from super simple to super complex.

One thing I’d suggest straight off the bat - you might want to delete any unused materials and/ or other nodes out of the scene.

There’s also the lighting/ texturing work flow questions.

  • Are the maps being used too big?
  • Do they have settings cranked too high?
  • What’s are the clipping planes of your cameras like? (More the layout/ animation department. Which of course doesn’t affect anything until lighting)