How to break the rig into control and deformation systems

Hi 2 all,

How to break the rigging into two distinct functions Control and deformation system, i read it in keithlango blog is there any python script available to do that.

Any tips and tricks please.

In that particular blog post he uses a series of controls to drive his lattices and what not for the top Veggie Tales rig. Basically you setup up your controls and skin your lattice to those. There really isn’t a script that does it for you… you would want to write one for yourself or at least prototype the modular aspect to do it. Really it depends on what you want to do, then you take the concept and adapt it to that.

Later in the post he talks about how he made the rig “breakable” by making each limb, body and face part its own module. This allowed them to be connected to the main rig or switch them to be controlled on there own. You can find little tutorials on modular rigging like this. The Jason Schliefer stuff comes to mind.

Hi Sariel, a long back ago i say a video in youtube he shown the python script that can divide the rig into two parts (Control system and deformation system). By use the script we can go back on forth while rigging and test the deformation. I searched script all over palce in internet but so far i couldn’t find it.

Anybody can tell me how to do it or any tips about it.