How do I use Wire parameters with the 3ds Max biped

Hi guys!

There’s something I must be missing. I’m trying to use wire parameters on the biped to control specific bone axis on a parallel rig.

The Biped hand will be the only controller
Biped hand X axis controls -> bone 1 just needs a X rotation
Biped hand Y and Z axis controls -> bone 2 just needs a Y and Z rotation

I tough adding a Euler XYZ controller to the hand would help out. I do have the XYZ options available but it does not seem to control the other bones.

Any input would be appreciated!


I’m not sure if this is the best approach, but you could use a ExposeTM (expose transform matrix?) node to “expose” the transform info. for the CS Biped node (in this case, the a Biped hand bone). You could then wire the desired transform output from the ExposeTM node into the desired input on the node that you’d like to drive.

Expose Tm is a great tool. But depending on how many we have in the scene it can slow down the performance. I did get something pretty stable working but I’m also looking to optimize as much as I can. Thinking of achieving this with position scripts.