How do i put outliner to my tablayout

self.outliner = cmds.outlinerPanel() # gives me outliner
#Edit tabs layout
cmds.tabLayout( 'tabLayout', edit=True, tabLabel=((self.widgets["mainLayout"], 'PMS'),   (self.outliner,"Outliner"),(self.widgets["settingsTabLayout"] , 'Settings'))

well the first and last tabs are layout but when I am trying to put Outliner it is name of window and not any layout
so how should i put outliner to tabLayout as one of tab ?

Ive used the later for docking the script editor

I also had it somewhat working by creating a columLayout and then parenting it to the outliner=cmds.outlinerPanel() and the columnLayout being child of tablayout except it just shows up according to height of the window

how would u translate control -e -p $tabLayout_1 outlinerPanel1Window; to python, i mean i managed to do cmds.control(e=true, parent=“tablayout outlinerLayout” ) ?

I have Outliner tabbed to my gui through this way
====The layout====

#outliner tab
self.widgets["outlinerLayout"]=cmds.columnLayout("outlinerLayout", h=300,adjustableColumn=True,parent="tabLayout")

                myOut= cmds.outlinerPanel()
                cmds.control(myOut, edit=True, parent="outlinerLayout")

but the problem stays it does get docked inside as second tab with outliner but it doesnt show up of full height… like other tabs are showing fine…