Hey all. I was on here last year, but it’s been a while, so Im pretty much starting fresh again. Although I am an Animator, rigging seems to be one of those things I just keep coming back to. At a previous job, I was developing a pipeline for artists and animators, so I was starting to get into tool making with python, which was a first for me. I was really enjoying it, but I switched jobs (indie to AAA) and went back to being only an animator. I
m now unemployed again and am seriously considering trying for a rigger position. That said, I`m not really sure what needs to be on a riggers reel to get a job.
What do employers look for in a rigging reel? I certainly want to achieve more than just the bare minimum, what would the minimum be for you to be interested in hiring someone? Where is the line drawn in the sand of acceptable? I want to learn the advanced stuff. Dynamics and what not. But realistically I know I need to take it step by step.
Do you have an example of your first rigging reel that got you a job? What’s your story for how you got your first rigging job?
Any other advice you may have will also be much appreciated!