Hmm Camera Imageplane issue

Hey guys I was wondering If you guys have run into this issues in Maya Mel. The issue is, that when I create an image plane from the environment tab. Simply putting in the image it is pretty simple. However if i try to script this with Mel. It doesn’t seem to be working. It places the name within Image name parameters, however it does not load the image onto the image plane

// create a new camera
string $cameraName[] = camera;

// create a new image plane
string $imagePlaneName = createNode imagePlane;

// assign the imageplane to the camera
cameraImagePlaneUpdate $cameraName[0] $imagePlaneName;

string $imagePlaneName = “imagePlane1”;

// the path to the image File sequence
string $myImageFileSequence = “C:\John\DSPasdsa01\Desktop\d311ef\attackseq_0000.tga”;

// assign images to the imagePlane
setAttr ( $imagePlaneName + “.imageName” ) -type “string” $myImageFileSequence;

// makes the imagesPlane use a image sequence
setAttr ( $imagePlaneName + “.useFrameExtension” ) 1;

hmm nvm found out that / isn’t being read in the string… I was wondering if there were any good workarounds for this by chance? since i kinda wanna unedited the string while putting the data in.

so C:\John\DSPasdsa01\Desktop\d311ef\attackseq_0000. tga would be C:\John\DSPasdsa01\Desktop\d311ef\attackseq_0000. tga
not C:\John\DSPasdsa01\Desktop\d311ef\attackseq_0000. tga ==> C:JohnDSPasdsa01

you need to use two backslashes. backslash is an escape character and is paired with a small set of other character to perform special formatting jobs.

to distinguish between “line one\rline two” and “c: emp\robsFolder”, you need to use two backslashes: “C:\ emp\robsFolder”

in each case you would get:

line one
line two
C:    emp
C:	emp\robsFolder