Hey all,
I am still trying to wrap my head around structs in Max, but am having trouble. In Python you can use a dictionary to store multiple arrays. My thinking was that structs do something similar, but it seems they behave more like classes. I suppose my question here is two fold.
First I want a mechanism by which I can store multiple arrays at a top level so that one function can gather a bunch of data and another function can retrieve that data to be used for some purpose.
Second, I would like a better understanding of what structs are and how to use them. I found the Max documentation to be lacking in examples that pertain to the type of thing I want to do, and I am not much of a programmer by nature.
In the following code, I am using the script Randall Hess wrote for my benefit as a launching point. With this code I can find the name and transform of all my biped objects. The idea would be to store the name and transform of each object so I can use that information in fn load_bone_data. It would seem that I am collecting the information I need into the struct bone_info, but that data is no longer available when I call load_bone_data and I get a return of undefined. Pardon my noobishness, but I really want to understand these core Maxscript concepts.
struct bone_info (bone_name, parent_name, bone_xform)
-- recursive function to get biped children objects
fn get_bip_children bip_obj bone_data =
-- make sure the current biped object has children
if (bip_obj.children != undefined) do (
-- loop through all of the current bone's children
for child in bip_obj.children do (
-- ignore these biped objects
match_footsteps = matchpattern child.name pattern:"*footsteps"
match_nubs = matchpattern child.name pattern:"*nub"
-- do not add certain objects as bones, this is a preference
if (not match_footsteps) and (not match_nubs) do (
-- create an object for the current child bone
tm = child.transform
childTransform = translate(tm.rotation as matrix3)tm.pos
new_bone = bone_info child.name bip_obj.name childTransform
-- update the bone_data array with the current child
append bone_data new_bone
-- see if the current child has and children
if (child.children != undefined) do (
get_bip_children child bone_data
return bone_data
fn create_skeleton bip prefix =
-- get the biped root node
bip_root = bip.controller.rootnode
local bone_data = #()
-- create an object for the root bone. Add to struct
tm = bip_root.transform
rootTransform = translate(tm.rotation as matrix3)tm.pos
root_bone = bone_info bip_root.name rootTransform
append bone_data root_bone
-- get bone data (names and hierarchy) from the biped
bone_data = get_bip_children bip_root bone_data
fn main_function=
if (selection.count == 1) and (classof selection[1] == Biped_Object) then (
-- create the skeleton with a new prefix
bindBones = create_skeleton selection[1] "Bone"
) else (
messageBox "Select a single biped node" title:"Create Skeleton"
fn load_bone_info =
boneInfo = bone_info()
a = boneInfo.bone_name
print a