Help with a texture splatting network (screwed up texel density)

This might seem like a minor issue, considering the quality of most forum posts here (which looks like rocket science). I posted this at CGtalk at first but no one there seems to have a clue -_-
As you can see, I have connected the ARGB output of the splatmap to the transparency input of each material - and I’ve then connected the color outputs of these materials to the different color inputs of the layered shader.
But it’s somewhat broken as you can see here:

The texel density is seriously fucked up - and changing the UV 2D projections on each of the materials doesn’t matter. So I must have made this all wrong.

EDIT: And the problem is not with the layered shader’s file map size - changing it doesn’t affect the TD of any of the 4 material sections.

EDIT 2: Also not working
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Here I used the outcolor (R, G and B) and the outtransparency of the splatmap and connected them to the input transparency on each splatmap channel/input. Same issue with the TD though… Also the 4 chan (alpha) does not appear as a color channel on the layered shader but as an alpha -_-

I think it’s just the viewport bake texture size. Try changing the “Baked viewport textures” setting in “Window > Settings Preferences > Preferences > Display” to a higher quality.

Maya uses baked viewport textures when you have any sort of complex texture layering (e.g. a layered shader) in the shader network in order to keep viewport performance good.

[QUOTE=Warheart;19224]I think it’s just the viewport bake texture size. Try changing the “Baked viewport textures” setting in “Window > Settings Preferences > Preferences > Display” to a higher quality.

Maya uses baked viewport textures when you have any sort of complex texture layering (e.g. a layered shader) in the shader network in order to keep viewport performance good.[/QUOTE]

Yea, that was one part of the problem.
The other two parts were: High Quality Shading in the viewport - I couldn’t get this working in the default view
Third part was that the Layered shader has to be connected to a new material: So I made a new lambert and connected the outColor of the layered shader to the input (color) of the new lambert material.

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