[Help Needed] Maxscript 2014 Maxscript Bug (bone creation)

Can anyone help me with a weird bug in max 2014?

I’m in the process of creating a full-body autorig script. There’s a really weird bug when the arm bones are created.

Max creates the bones in the correct place, sets up all the constraints correctly etc. But when the controllers are moved, the bones stay in exactly the same place. The weird thing is, it is actually moving the real bones. Just the image of the bones stays in place. If I select the empty space in the viewport where the bone should be, a wireframe of the bone appears. The rest of the script which relies on these bones also bugs out afterwards… they sort of exist but don’t exist at the same time (trying to access them via their name like $bone001 doesn’t work).

Also… if i create a new scene after this, the empty ‘shell’ of the bones stays in the viewport, but no objects exist in the scene. Very confusing!

The script works fine in max 2013, so in a worst case scenario i’ll just stick to that.

It’s hard to help without seeing the code, but if it works in 2013, it might be version specific. Some things to keep in mind; are you using bonesys or using the old bone creation method? Did you turn off viewport rendering and forget to turn it back on in your code? Also related to viewport rendering; if you hit an error before reaching the bit of code that turns back on viewport rendering will cause refresh issues.

Hopefully it’s as simple as this and not version related.

[QUOTE=Claudio A;25183]It’s hard to help without seeing the code, but if it works in 2013, it might be version specific. Some things to keep in mind; are you using bonesys or using the old bone creation method? Did you turn off viewport rendering and forget to turn it back on in your code? Also related to viewport rendering; if you hit an error before reaching the bit of code that turns back on viewport rendering will cause refresh issues.

Hopefully it’s as simple as this and not version related.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the reply!

I tested the script on my computer at home on max 2014 and it works perfectly. I guess there must be something wrong with the installation of max 2014 on the computers at uni. shrugs

Come to think of it, I should have suspected this earlier. When I open up max there, the splash screen says “Sim City” instead of “3DS Max 2014”. I think the person in the IT department responsible for overseeing the software may have accidentally been replaced with a gorilla.

I would suspect the viewport display driver, because their recommend Nitrous is display driver is hit or miss depending on the GPU.