Can’t do a static library for extension modules, they need to be linked dynamically.
Also, the fact that it can’t find one of its header files looks worrisome.
I might be able to give it a shot after work, if nobody else has a solution.
I get the same errors when using the DynRelease configuration.
Also there was one error the first time I ran this that said “Run configure.bat to create platform.h”. I ran configure.bat from libzmq\builds\msvc and that error went away and I now get what you see above.
Should I try that approach? Is this a common issue when compiling python extensions? Is there a guide somewhere that I missed that describes this process?
So what I do is run the “Developer Command Prompt for VS2012” command prompt.
This should setup most of the environment variables as needed for visual studio.
Because you’ll be using mayapy and not standard python, you’ll need to add the python headers that ship with maya (might be in the devkit) to the include env variable, and the python libs to the lib variable (again might be in the devkit).
After that you should be able to run from mayapy, and hopefully get properly built a library.
My mistake, I wasn’t using mayapy.exe to That fixed that error. Now I’m dealing with more.
Either I’m slow at this or building these extensions isn’t trivial.
This is the error I am now getting:
buildutils\include_win32\stdint.h(4) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '../../bundled/zeromq/src/stdint.hpp': No such file or directory.
There is a stdint.hpp in …/libzmq/src, but otherwise there is no directory named bundled anywhere in the folders I am working in. I’m starting to feel like I’m in over my head and may just abandon this for now.
I built sodium first, then added its includes and libs to libzmq project. Compiled libzmq. After that put all together to pyzmq, added some magic and fixes to libzmq and python distutils code and finally compiled pyzmq. Honestly, it wasn’t so straightforward