I’ve seen a lot of queries about getting scipy working in Maya (Windows 64 bit) with a few not 100% reproducible answers.
So after a long personal struggle with the problem, here’s my solution which will hopefully end the madness for all Windows Maya users:
TL;DR version
unzip them somewhere relevant to PYTHONPATH. Congratulations! You can now use scipy in all it’s glory!
Do-It-Yourself guide
This tutorial used to be very long and involved using a custom version of python to build numpy and scipy from scratch. But this is no longer the case
All you need now is a standard install of Python 2.7 64 bit. If you don’t have it, get the 64 bit installer here.. You will need it to install custom Python wheels using PIP.
The wheels I use are made by “carlkl”. His builds use OpenBLAS, which I haven’t benchmarked against builds made with Intel MLK, but they work fine for my needs and, I presume, most Maya users out there. To get the packages, run these two commands:
pip install -i Simple Index numpy
pip install -i Simple Index scipy
Once PIP has installed both packages, copy them somewhere relevant to PYTHONPATH.
Congratulations, you’re ready to rock!