Hey all- I have an upcoming project for a course in Object Oriented Soft. engineering, and currently I’ve chosen to build a plugin for the google chrome browser. I’ve also been taking an environment art course alongside, and saw that our class was having trouble with managing the directory of where their materials are downloaded, adding tags etc. As of right now I didn’t see a collective option for this being managed within the web browser, so when it came time to decide on a project for my other course in engineering, I thought it would be a good thing to tackle.
My questions: 1) What kind of browser extensions would be useful as an artist performing research? In a perfect world, what would you like your browser to do within your art department?
–Parameters: This is a course, so unfortunately, I do not have total control, and I’m on a time constraint. The main focus of the course is to create a good framework with consideration of future extensibility, so good polymorphism etc. I’m also being forced to use Java for this, which is why I focussed more on Google Chrome, I’ve messed around some with this before.
Thanks in advance again! I’m just starting to get an outline of features I would like to implement ready, otherwise I have the base intro project setup and perforce linked up in Eclipse to manage source control. As of right now, I think I’m considering keeping the focus of this plugin as a tool to assist with art based research and organization of said assets. But I am open to any other ideas!
Thoughts, and anything else all welcome and appreciated! :D: -Trey