Can anyone suggest some good examples of auto-riggers?
I’m keen to get a wider picture of whats available – weighing up whether its worth investing some time into writing systems or bringing something more tried and true into the mix for some upcoming work.
you should be able to find a bunch of examples on this board…There are a bunch out there.
Here’s a somewhat dated list of some options:
Can’t speak to all of these, but I did take a quick look at dpAutoRig the other day and it seemed pretty simple and solid, considering it’s free.
Hamish McKenzie also provides a free one on his site as part of his zooToolbox on Couldn’t get it working though, possibly an OS or maya version mismatch (I was on 2012 on Linux).
[QUOTE=UncCheezy;22403]you should be able to find a bunch of examples on this board…There are a bunch out there.[/QUOTE]
Thanks - did a bit of a forum search before, but now that I know there’s probably some more out there I’ll dig deeper to see what I’ve missed.
Brilliant, thanks for the direction there. I’ll give those a look through - hopefully running windows I won’t have the same issues, but I’ll see where I get with zoo tools there.