GDC SF submissions feedback

Hey everybody,

I just want to throw some ideas for GDC presentation in the group:

  • connect your team through the problems they share
  • 10 habits that describe a technical artist
  • an upgraded version of how breakdance taught me to be a technical artist

also please let me know if nothing of it interests you :slight_smile:



From those 3, I think the first one is the most interesting.

There has been a few talks describing tech artists, so it’s hard to add anything new to that conversation. Unless you go into Technical Design or how to transition into a Tools Programmer kind of talk.

I always like the talks that share something cool that the speaker has figured out, or a different way of solving a problem. But that’s my 2 cents.

Good luck!

Good point, that is definitely good advice :slight_smile:


You could do something along the lines of “10 Habits of Tech Artists That Are Growing Their Career”

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