Hey all - I’m moderating the VFX roundtable this year and am getting super excited!
This will be the first vfx roundtable session GDC has had, and for many of us the first chance to meet and talk shop in person. If you’re interested in rendering, particles, shaders, pyrotechnics, atmospherics, destructibles, or anything else VFX related I hope you can join us!
Wednesday 3:30- 4:30 Room 121, North Hall
Thursday 10:00-11:00 Room 121, North Hall
Friday 2:30- 3:30 Room 121, North Hall
Also please feel free to respond to this thread with any questions or topics you’d like to see and I’ll try and make sure they get brought up (time permitting).
And here are some of the questions I’ve been thinking about already:
[li]How did you get into real time VFX?
[/li][li]What is a visual effect composed of? Post processing, particles, camera shake, lighting, materials, meshes? what else does a Visual Effect mean to you?
[/li][li]What are some ways we can stay in better touch as a VFX community?
[/li][li]What methods are people using to author texture sequences?
[/li][li]What are your favorite HLSL (or node based) shading techniques?
[/li][li]What are your favorite particle system features and tools?
[/li][li]Where do you get VFX inspiration (youtube? gettyimages? movies?)
[/li][li]What rendering techniques have you found useful? (Framebuffer fx, motion blur, accumulation buffers, bloom)?
[/li][li]What performance optimization techniques have been effective for you? (Low res particle buffers, optimized shaders?)
[/li][li]Where do you see VFX going in the next generation (Per particle sorting, lighting, advanced simulations, 3D sprites?)
Obviously that list is just the tip of the iceberg