I hope you’re ready to solve a problem.
Here we go. I’ve been working on a web app to increase my chances of getting a job for quite some time, but I’ve come to a halt in the design. So I’m asking you to help me come up with a solution. I’ve copied the next section from my website, so you can get an idea of the project and what not. Question to follow.
Game Job Finder
This is a personal project that I began working on in the Fall of 2010. It helps automate the process of finding a job in the video game industry. This project is still a work in progress.Old Site | New Site(no graphics yet)
I was looking for jobs in the games industry and was having a rough time finding much of anything I was qualified for. I exhausted places like creativeheads.com and gamejobhunter.com pretty quickly and started looking at job pages on several hundered company sites each week to see if there were any new jobs. I’m not going to lie, this took a lot more time than I wanted to devote to mindlessly clicking links. So I decide to script it. First, I wrote a standalone script to search a list of webpages and open pages to the sites that it found matches to. It only took a minute to run, and saved me a few hours a week. I was re-learning Python at the same time and thought, “All these sites (creativeheads.com) make companies fill out the same information that’s on their company website all over again, what if I make this a web app to cut the middle man?” So I began looking into python’s web functionality. This was a major learning process, but I got the server and site running pretty quickly. As you can see it’s very slow, it takes 30 seconds to get your results. I needed it to be faster, I needed a database system. I chose Google App Engine, after looking at all the systems, and I’m really glad I chose it. Although the site isn’t visually finished, I have achieved a massive speed up. Where a single searchword took 30 seconds, I can have 10 search words take under a tenth of a second. I’m still working on this, but I’ve hit a snag in the design. Hopefully a new version will be up soon!
So here is my issue. Right now i’m using regex to match keywords on the page. This limits me to non-flash sites, but I’ve accepted that. What I can’t accept is writing a custom parser for each website on the list. In my mind, this is bad for many reasons, mainly #1 and #2.
[li]a lot of work
[/li][li]have to update the parser everytime the company upgrades their webpage
[/li][li]a lot of work
for instance, Blizzard’s job’s page has an array at the top of the html, that has all the information for all the jobs. This in itself isn’t a huge problem, I just need to write a parser for it. The issue is writing a parser for each of the 400 websites.
It’s good in the sense of:
[li]gives me more functionality
[/li][li]makes twitter, rss feeds, new jobs more of a possibility
[/li][li]gives me more search results
Any opinions/thoughts on solutions to this, or do I just need to get really good at writing parsers?