Free live event: Inside The Setup Machine 2 with Raf Anzovin

Rigging Mentor presents: Inside The Setup Machine 2 with Raf Anzovin.

Join us March 31st, 2010 -Wednesday

Back on, new date

Raf Anzovin, creator of The Setup Machine 2 for Maya, shares some of the
design philosophy and rigging tricks that went into the popular auto-rigging
package and some useful ways to modify it-in a live webcast.

Find out more here

Hope to see you there.

Awesome Brad. I will certainly be there :slight_smile:

We have a new date for Raf and if you have not seen this yet, Rigging Duplicator - Meindbender studios

The base rig was created with The Setup Machine! and well lots and lots of amazing modeling for blendshapes.

Link is broken from original post, fyi!

Thanks Aylwin, it is fixed now.

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