I made a ik/fk leg. and ik setup can stretch.
When i blend from fk to ik in stretched pose, i want the bind joints stretch as i increase the blend attribute (actually decrease. 0 means 100% ik and 10 means 100% fk).
how i can do that ?
I tried using expression for x scale of bind joint, but it was not working. because it drives the scale from 0 (instead of 1) to IK joints scale.
the expression i tried to use was something like this
$ik_scale = jnt_hip_ik_l.scaleX;
$blend = left_foot_ctrl.ikFkSwitch;
$blend = $blend / 10;
float $scale = 0;
if( $ik_scale > 1 )
$scale = $ik_scale * $blend;
$scale = 1;
jnt_hip_l.scaleX = $scale;
jnt_knee_l.scaleX = $scale;