Feecback Portfolio Nysuatro

Hey everybody,

If would love to hear some feedback from you all. I am working on a portfolio to get an intership so there will be a lot of update coming the next month.
I already made the design and put some content in it.


Things I still have to do :

  • Still have to put names on the pictures
  • Highress pictures will be avaible when clicking on the image
  • Add other work
  • Put wireframepictures on the site.



Some thoughts:

I like the design. That’s purely preferential on my part, but to me it comes across as simple and clean. It’s not painful to look at :):

I going to repeat my suggestion from another post on portfolio sites about header images. I would change the “Technical Artist Robbert-Jan Brems” image to:

primary email
resume link

Like alot of folks have said, don’t make potential employers hunt for contact info. Make it easy for them.

As far as actual content: Not to harsh on your work, but this portfolio sort of says (at least to me), “I want to do art, but i think i’ll have an easier chance of getting my foot in the door as a tech artist”. I only see one script and one rig here, which makes it really hard for me to judge your skills as a tech artist. I would also recommend adding vidcaps. It’s much easier to judge how effective a tool or a rig is by actually watching it in action (again, that’s just my opinion). I’m definitely not saying take your art content down, but put your tech art content front and center. Be proud of your tech art hotness!

Overall though, I think you’re definitely on the right track. If you need sugs for tech art content, feel free to PM me!

yeah, you are totally right about that. I am aware of it. This is just work that I had to do in school. I am now working on more technical art related content.

I will be update the site in some weeks with the new stuff.

Thank you for the reply.

I got a new update on my portfolio.


I would love to hear some feedback before I go searching for an internship.
Btw, any tips or tricks I have to know before I begin on my search?

Robbert-Jan Brems