Farstorm Studio offer hight quality outsourcing graphic service


For several years, we have amassed considerable experience in specialized work for remote employers, among them well-known game developers. We have prior experience in games on Unreal3 engine, where we created a variety of vehicles and textures, as well as creation racing tracks. We are experienced in the creation of vehicles, buildings, miscellaneous props, as well as environment modelling…


We have a team of highly qualified artists, who can work efficiently and effectively with little direction, and complete work in a reasonable timeframe, without pestering your lead artist with a barrage of daily questions. Our team is highly self motivated, and can understand the art direction required with minimal input.
Most of our artist have +5 years expirience and take a part on next projects:
Moto GP (Climax)
Race, RACE 07™ - The Official WTCC Game (Simbin)
Hour of Victory (nFusion Interactive)


We provide flexible hourly rates, this ensures the client only pays for the actual time spent on the asset. After receiving the go ahead, we provide preliminary time estimates that are very precise due to our wealth of experience. After the work is completed, we will provide the client information on how much time was spent on each asset, accompanied by a detailed report if needed, along with an invoice.

Our portfolio could be found on http://www.farstorm.net

Fell free to ask questions here or through website

世界卫生组织11日在其网站上介绍说,流感大流行严重程度的最主要决定因素是病毒本身的毒性,[b]糖尿病[/b]一般是通过严重患者以及死亡患者的数量来监测,但其他许多因素也会影响流感大流行的严重性。 流感大流行是由某种全新的或者近期未在人类中广泛传播的流感病毒引发的,由于人类对此缺乏有效免疫力,病毒因此具有广泛的传染力。 流感大流行中,虽然并非所有人都会感染,但从理论上讲,[b]糖尿病医院[/b] 几乎所有人都易感。 人类整体的易感性会影响流感大流行的严重程度。例如,目前已知患有慢性病的人感染流感后,病情会比较严重,更容易死亡。因此,高血压、哮喘、糖尿病等慢性病的流行,对流感大流行严重程度有很大影响。 除了病毒毒性以外,一场流感大流行会有多严重也要看病毒传染力的强弱。[b]糖尿病药品[/b]因为病毒传染力强,会在短时期内使某一地区患病并需要就医的人数迅速增加,并加快病毒的跨地域传播速度。 流感大流行通常在某一特定年龄段人群中发病率高,比如一般季节性流感主要在老人和小孩中发病。如果新的流感大流行在年轻人群中发病率高,那么对社会和经济的破坏性会更大。 当流感大流行发生后,是否会出现第二波甚至第三波的反复发作也是影响疫情严重程度的重要因素。[b]糖尿病治疗[/b]流感病毒的一个显著特点就是频繁地发生无法预测的变异,因此在一场流感大流行中,病毒可能不断演变,最初很“温和”的病毒也可能在后续传播中变得毒性很强。例如,历史上的1918年大流感,开始时很“温和”,半年后第二波感染时毒性要比最初时强得多。 流感传播模式不同,后续的疫情严重程度也会受影响。[b]消渴降糖胶囊[/b]比如,大流感发生时,如果第一波受影响的是儿童,第二波可能冲击到老年人,这时由于老年人更易受流感感染,因此死亡率要高于第一波。 最后,对于任何的流感大流行来说,医疗卫生服务的水平都是影响疫情发展的重要因素。在有些国家,即便流感病毒杀伤力不大,但由于国家医疗卫生体系薄弱,药品供应不足,医疗设备落后,医疗卫生工作人员不足,也可能造成严重后果