Hello everyone,
I am new in rigging, And im currently studying the fahrenheit digital tutorial.
The tutorial is great!! But i am stuck…and id apreciate any help i could get!
So this is my situation:
i’ve got 3 elements:
a) 2-joint chain(scap_ik).
b) ik_handle(RPsolver), from one joint to the other(on the 2-joint chain mentioned earlier).
c) poleVec_locator (orient constrained according to the tutorial and translated up).
so, after Pole Vector Constraining the ik_handle to the poleVec_loc
i get a rotation on the “x” axes of the 2-joint chain, where the ik_handle exists.
ive tried it several times!
other times i got a small rotation (1.56 degrees) on the 2-joint chain
other times i got a persistent (90 degrees) rotation on the 2-joint chain.
(i tried it again and again, deleting the 2 joint chain, rebuilding it via dublication(from the multi joint chain that exists at the same location) or mirroring (from the other side) and recreating the ik_handle, poleVec_loc)
Could someone please explain to me what causes this rotation to happen?
I noticed that this rotation may depend on, where the rotate plane is pointing towards, in the first place. So if thAt is the problem, then whAt gives the rotate plane its default rotate values?