"Euler Filter" MXS access

I’ve been digging around the entire Max directory trying to find this, but to no avail. In the Trackview Utilities, there is the “Euler Filter” tool. I am trying to find the code to that so I can just make it a quick button on a toolbar for myself and my other animators. Anyone know where I can access this, if at all?



any luck,? i looked around but could not find any way to do it… it is a plug in that does not seem to have script access available for it.

no luck :frowning: no responses on the AREA forums either. It’s a shame, because the curve editor is a dog when used with Puppetshop, so I was hoping to figure this out.

I may have to write my own Euler Filter… ugh. Maybe I’ll email Mike Comet- he wrote one a while back for Max.


I wrote something for this iirc. Will post once I get back to work in the new year, make sure to ping me.

thanks guys! I’ll take a look after Xmas break. I’m also going to give Shane some grief about getting all the trackview utilities exposed to Maxscript…

give shane some grief about teasing us with the maxsharp stuff too…not that it’s his fault, but still.

[QUOTE=Rob Galanakis;8553]I wrote something for this iirc. Will post once I get back to work in the new year, make sure to ping me.[/QUOTE]

Zombie thread…but I am currently looking for the same: MXS version of the Euler filter feature on the curve editor