Error when trying to reach inputs menu in maya

i just rigged and bound a character.

created the blendshapes and attached them to a facial GUI

a cartoony creature type of character with a unibody design but still fairly low res so i created all the blendshapes from the whole body and then realized afterwards that whenever i tried to pose the character and use the facial GUI he reverted back to his bind pose

so i figured i have to re arrange my inputs order but when i tried to select the character and go to its inputs menu i get an error

// Error: Object ‘row1’ not found. //

…i have no idea what maya is talking about and it will not show me the inputs menu

Want to post the file? It’d probably be easier to debug if we can open the file and tinker with it.

[QUOTE=Zhi;6598]Want to post the file? It’d probably be easier to debug if we can open the file and tinker with it.[/QUOTE]

apparently it is a bug in Maya 2011

i uploaded the file anyways just in case anybody could take a look and see if maybe its just my machine or maybe im completely off base and im overlooking something basic


When I create a skin and blendshape file myself I can reorder the inputs but I can’t with your file. I get the row1 error.

used this bit of code to work around the bugg

reorderDeformers “skinCluster1” “blendShape1” “pCylinder1”;

thanks for checking out the file, maya and those pesky buggers!! :curses: