hi there
using maya 2012 i want to export scene in dxf file format
maya 2012 doesnt export dxf file format
any possible solution ? :?:
hi there
using maya 2012 i want to export scene in dxf file format
maya 2012 doesnt export dxf file format
any possible solution ? :?:
should just be a plugin that might not be turned on by default. or you can use the FBX converter, it is standalone and converts between formats.
thanks for reply brad
i downloaded fbx plugin and sdk for maya, still it’s unable to upload dxf.
it shows file translators: FBX export, and DAE_FBX export
thanks and regards
I have never seen a DXF plug-in for Maya. I often use a program called Ultimate Unwrap 3D to convert files to the less common formats (it supports dozens), and I checked and the program does support dxf, and I was able to export and import DXF with it. It is not free, but I think they have a trial version.
<* Wes *>
notice I said “converter” it is a standalone tool, not the fbx plugin.
try again with the converter, it does dxf
thanks brad and Wesley for you reply
@brad, sorry i thought downloading fbx plugin would help.
later i downloaded fbx converter and it’s working fine.
i was wondering why dxf is not inside maya so that you can directly export
it from maya without any converter.
i’ve downloaded python binding for fbx sdk 2012.1 and i m trying to write
dxf exporter.
thanks and regards