I apologize in advance because i am sure a lot of you have dealt with this question. I tried searching for the answer but could not get anything to work. I only have about a year experience character rigging.
I would like to scale up or down the entire rig but the splineIK curves in the neck and spine are double transforming.
Here is my setup;
body_JNT; this is my deformation/base skeleton
DNT; this is an transform node which i put the splineIK curves, splineIK handles and clusters under
root_CTRL_OFF; is the start of the control rig
I put all of these under the Rig transform node from which I am trying to scale the entire rig from.
I do not understand why the curves are double transforming but the clusters are not when they are in the same location.
Well hope this all makes sense, any help would e greatly appreciated!