I found a blog link that tipped me tip to look at p4vstyle.qss to modify the perforce ui. However there is only so much to be gleaned from there and customizing certain parts is difficult as you cant see object name or structure. You also cant change the images as you don’t know the path and names in the qrc file.
Does anyone have a contact at perforce that might be able to help?
Of course as soon as I PMd you I got the account approved email. Figures. Anyway, I PMd you my email so we can chat.
[QUOTE=TheMaxx;27342]I found a blog link that tipped me tip to look at p4vstyle.qss to modify the perforce ui. However there is only so much to be gleaned from there and customizing certain parts is difficult as you cant see object name or structure. You also cant change the images as you don’t know the path and names in the qrc file.
Does anyone have a contact at perforce that might be able to help?