I use to be able , at least i think i remember correctly, to displace bones by skinning or skinwrapping them to geometry which then morphs using the morph modifier.
So maybe i dreamed that or completely forgot but my initial test don’t work and really lazy and don’t want to do facial constraints in max script…
So anyone have a hint about how to displace bone with geometry?
You’ll probably have to use a ‘attachment controller’.
Skin-wrap the bones (or just a single face is enough), then attach a helper to the face by using the ‘attachment controller’.
Then skin the helper to the mesh.
(You’ll probably need to use a lookat controller on the helper as well, so it acts more like a bone, but it depends on if you only need position or rotation as well)
I’ve actually used the method Kees describes for turning simulated cloth in Max into a bone animation for export, as well. It’s pretty powerful if you can set it up properly.
We used to do the same thing earlier, but (quite happily even) got it kicked out when we got realtime cloth finally be solid enough.
Ditto the above posts.
hey guys thanks for the cues and everything is working correctly except for one part
if i use the following line inside my script my bones don’t displace
WM3_MC_SetValue objBase.Morpher 1 100.0;
I have to do a second button to call that line and then it works … but the weird thing is that if i put other operations in that second button the bones wont morph!
I tried setting focus on the modifiers but it wont … really weird problem
MUA2’s capes and clothy bits were done using regular max mesh controls
which drove bones using the attachment controller. I was impressed at how
stable it was.