Disney Online Studios

Disney Online Studios is looking for more people to work on a new project. Our legal department isn’t letting us talk about it much (not even letting us list available positions), so here’s the canned blurb with the details I’m allowed to say:

I am working with Lane Merrifield (Club Penguin Founder) and Starr Long (Ultima Online) on a new Disney virtual world and we are hiring artists and engineers, among others (contract, project and regular full time) in LA, Seattle and San Diego. Check out the Disney website for more info at Working at DISNEY - Disney Careers

Sadly, that link is almost worthless; I wasn’t able to find any of the positions we’re hiring for from that link.
Suffice it to say, if you’re a frequenter of this forum and looking for a junior level position that people of this forum look for, we have a position in LA that you’d probably be interested in. Feel free to PM me with any questions or links to your portfolio/resume and I can pass your info to the necessary parties.
