So here’s an interesting one for any motionbuilder scripters out there.
if you do a .HardSelect() on a model. Is there a way to hard deselect it? I couldn’t find a solution.
basically I have a script that selects handles to apply animation to a body rig and a face. It has to
be hard selected because of how the library my studio is set up. but when i select another handle,
I can’t deselect the orignal so I get the animation loaded onto the 2 rigs.
def importAnimation(handleName):
handle = FBFindObjectByFullName(handleName) ## motionBuilder class
selRig = getSelectedRigs() ## how the tool gets rigs
loadAnimation(selRig, path) ##load animation class from studio
So when I run this again with a different handle name it will have 2 handles selected. the original and the new one.
you’ll probably want a deselect function for that.
def deselectAll ():
selectedModels = FBModelList()
FBGetSelectedModels ( selectedModels, None, True )
for select in selectedModels:
select.Selected = False;
del ( selectedModels )
Also I would recommend just using the following in your script.
handle.selected = True
So, i’m guessing you’ll want something that looks like this…
def deselectAll ():
selectedModels = FBModelList()
FBGetSelectedModels ( selectedModels, None, True )
for select in selectedModels:
select.Selected = False;
del ( selectedModels )
def importAnimation(handleName):
handle = FBFindObjectByFullName(handleName) ## motionBuilder class
selRig = getSelectedRigs() ## how the tool gets rigs
loadAnimation(selRig, path) ##load animation class from studio
# If you don't want to deselectAll, uncomment the following line to only deselect the current "handle"
# handle.selected = False
Hope this helps