DDS export, custom mips, and 1 extra pixel

Hello All, i’m having some difficulty with the nvidia DDS exporter. When I create custom mips for a texture, say 64x64, if comes out as 65x64. the PSD with the mips is 128x64 so i have no idea where it’s getting this extra pixel from.

There is an extra pixel on the 128x64 image, however removing that resulted in a 63x64 image :slight_smile:

What am I missing here?


This probably doesn’t help (I haven’t used the Nvidia DDS tool in ages… Probably not since 2003 or so. :slight_smile: But Nvidia tools (even their JavaScript Mipster tool) had a strange desire to make all the pre-mipped images to be 1 pixel too wide.

E.g., even the Mipster Javascript made an image of 512512 to be 1024512 after it aligned the mipmaps horizontally. While if you count up the sizes, the real size should be 1023*512 (I just modified their script to do that, as that’s what our texture importer prefers…)

Btw, why are you saving out DDS files out of Photoshop in the first place? Quality downgrade conversions such as downscaling or dxting should be done at the latest possible step in the pipeline and should be automated based on some metadata for the asset in question.


It was an inherited process :slight_smile: However we are going to be ditching the DDS exporter all together. PS will only be saving image files now, no conversions.