I had some time to work again on this small project and I found some bugs around, now solved and on git.
But most important I was able to (with quite a decent effort…) refactor my custom Blender exporter: I basically stripped from it all assets/scene logic and imported this dcc kit.
I’m happy to say that it still works!
While actually using this package in a real tool I found also some stuff that aren’t really ok (for example the method for building the full asset name, tags included).
The next step is to store some more info about an asset, like the polycount.
Well, I’d like to add some “asset validation” code too.
Could be nice to have some “rules file” (containing requirements for the asset) and perform some validation. Could be usefull in combination with the exporter.
Any ideas?
What could be the best approach for this “rules file”?