Hi guys – we’ve been keeping quiet about this so that Helge could present something new at the Softimage Ubertage event today. He should have just finished presenting, so I am happy to share this work publicly: http://fabricengine.com/creation/integrations/
This work allows us to integrate deeply with Maya and Softimage (and other C++ applications), as well do cool things like export procedural geometry to Arnold – some videos:
Overview: https://vimeo.com/50165431
Case Study - Tree generator: https://vimeo.com/50233098
Case Study - Deformer: https://vimeo.com/50290984
We’re very excited by this – a major goal for Fabric has been to enable portability of custom tools between DCC applications, and FEDG allows us to do that. This is just the first stage of this part of the project, so feedback and questions would be really helpful.
Thanks a lot,
Team Fabric