Saw this online today, could be of some use:
Nice trick… Your still stuck with jsx, but this seems like a nice way to add other libraries to the mix, It would be interesting to try setting up a studio wide remote plugin to farm out heavy Photoshop jobs.
I dabbled in the remote connections and got it working ok, but the socket stuff is a headache. This implementations seems nicer, but you have to have a nodejs server Not a bad thing, just a big requirement. Honestly though, we havent had a lot of requests for PS tools.
What are the requests you guys get?
same here. not too many PS requests. Although we’d love to have our QA checking system work with PS to verify PSD files with a checklist and then submit the results to a database. E.g. resolution, bit depth, gamma, layer names (e.g. no Chinese characters), layer naming (if a client needs certain names present).
We also have a QA script (.jsx) where a client didn’t want certain layer combinations and certain layer types in the PSDs.