I know nobody really likes containers, but I’m kinda in a position where I have to use them. I’m running into an interesting problem (and by “interesting,” I mean infuriating). The “Edit In Place” button is laughing at me. How do I set that button’s state with MaxScript? I see nothing in the docs, and really need to make sure that all containers in the scene have that button’s state set to “unchecked.”
Any advice?
You might want to look at DialogMonitorOps and UIAccessor.
Here’s an example I have written before for something!
DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#eyeInTheSky
frmSaveFileDialog = dotNetObject "System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog"
fn checkfilesave ipath ifile =
fpath = ipath + ifile
result = getFileAttribute fpath #readonly
fn dmnotification =
WindowHandle = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle()
-- Window info, for debbuging only
/* format "Dialog Window Handle: %
" WindowHandle
format "Dialog Name: %
" (UIAccessor.GetWindowText WindowHandle)
format "Window Class Name: %
" (UIAccessor.GetWindowClassName WindowHandle)
format "Window Resource ID: %
" (UIAccessor.GetWindowResourceID WindowHandle)
format "Is Window: %
" (UIAccessor.isWindow WindowHandle)
format "Window DLL Filename: %
" (UIAccessor.GetWindowDllFileName WindowHandle)
format "Window DLL Description: %
" (UIAccessor.GetWindowDllDescription WindowHandle)*/
if (UIAccessor.GetWindowText WindowHandle) == "Confirm Save As" then -- file overwrite info dialog
parent = UIAccessor.GetParentWindow WindowHandle
controls = windows.getChildrenHWND parent
fpath = ""
ffile = ""
for i in controls do
case i[4] of
"ToolbarWindow32":if i[5] != "" then fpath = substitutestring i[5] "Address: " ""
"Edit":ffile += i[5]
fpath += @"\"
rrfile = checkfilesave fpath ffile
if rrfile == true then
ipath = fpath + ffile
setFileAttribute ipath #readonly false
/* File exists and is read-only - do your stuff here */
setFileAttribute ipath #readonly true
/* file exists and it's not read-only - do your stuff here */
if (UIAccessor.GetWindowText WindowHandle) == "Save As" then -- main dialog and error dialog - they have the same caption
controls = windows.getChildrenHWND WindowHandle
nbuttons = for i in controls where i[4] == "Button" collect i
if nbuttons.count == 1 then -- file save error dialog it shows even though we did set the file attribute not to be read only, so we just want to close this
UIAccessor.CloseDialog WindowHandle
parent = UIAccessor.GetParentWindow WindowHandle -- now that we're done, we can also close the main dialog
UIAccessor.CloseDialog parent
DialogMonitorOPS.UnRegisterNotification id:#eyeInTheSky
--format "=====================
DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification dmnotification id:#eyeInTheSky
DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = true
frmSaveFileDialog.Filter = "SMDExporter (*.smd)|*.smd"
dlgResult = dotNetClass "System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult"
if frmSaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == dlgResult.OK then
/* file doesn't exist - do your stuff here */
print frmSaveFileDialog.Filename
That seems like a really long way to go… And the difficult part is that I don’t think the containers have a dialog that I can monitor. There’s the rollout that shows up in the Modify panel.
I’ll have to keep an eye on the dialogMonitor and UIAccessor, though. I’m thinking that will have its uses down the road. On the other hand, as a solution for now, I’ve found the action manager and the associated command:
actionMan.executeAction -1172021248 “13”
Extremely esoteric and completely non-intuitive, but this “hits the button” to turn on and off container edit mode on a selected container.