Frequently Asked Questions:
[li][jump=csi]What is the Community Scripts Initiative?[/jump]
[/li][li][jump=cr]What are Community Repositories?[/jump]
[/li][li][jump=setup]How do I set up a repository?[/jump]
[/li][li][jump=convent]What are the code conventions?[/jump]
[/li][li][jump=future]What are the future plans for the CSI?[/jump]
[anchor]csi[/anchor]What is the Community Scripts Initiative?
Please see [w]TAO:Community Scripts Initiative[/w] on the Wiki.
[anchor]cr[/anchor]What are Community Repositories?
Please see [w]TAO:Community Repositories[/w] on the Wiki.
[anchor]setup[/anchor]How do I set up a Repository?
Please see [w]TAO:Repository Setup[/w] on the Wiki.
Also see this Video Tutorial.
[anchor]convent[/anchor]What are the code conventions?
Please see [w]TAO:Code Conventions[/w] on the Wiki.
[anchor]future[/anchor]What are the future plans for the CSI?
Please see [w]TAO:CSI Roadmap[/w] on the Wiki.