Excuse the language, but I just have to vent.
With all the work that has been put into fancy-ass collada features over the years (supports deformers! supports driven key controllers! Nurbs! etc), my success rate for importing the most boring kinds of collada files with either the FBX_DAE option or using the Khronos openCollada importer is incredibly low. FBX can’t handle the materials so it loses the textures (on materials which are supposed to be plain-vanilla Lamberts. OpenCollade imports them - but it sets them all to completely transparent.
… and I’ll let this piece of code speak for itself:
cmds.file( dae_file, i=True, type="OpenCOLLADA importer", ra=True, rdn=True, namespace="dae", options="importUnits=1;importNormals=1;" )
# importing using the command without the Khronos dialog option always fails
# with " lightList ':lightList1' has no 'ln[0]' attribute."
cmds.file( dae_file.replace( ".dae", ".ma" ), i=True, namespace='incompetent_morons' )
# so we import the temporary MA file that the lazy-ass collada importer created.
# .. and ignore the error too. Good thing we don't want lights!
os.remove(dae_file.replace( ".dae", ".ma" ))
# because of course when you import a file you want extra crap on your hard drive
Excuse me, I need to go poke needles into my eyes.