Character Setup artist education?

Hi there!

I’m new here. I’m far far … faaar away of being a Tech-artist.
The last months, I learned the basics of character setup by my own with tutorials like the one of Jason Schleifer and book(s). Now after getting a quite good understanding of rigging i’d like to join an online school/program/training whatever. I was thinking of the animschool.
My question to you is: Do you know other good online education sources for character setup? The only two that i know are animschool and riggingdojo. All others seem to just teach modeling or animation or vfx but not or just few rigging/character setup.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Rigging Dojo is run by some knowledgeable guys who frequent these forums, I’d suggest that. What I like about them is they work with you to tailor your coursework to what you want to learn.

Rigging Dojo for sure as far as actual schooling goes. Brad Clark would be the one to talk to. I’ve looked high and low and they seem to be the best out there as far as an accessible education that isn’t a DVD.

Hi guys, thanks for the kind words.
Sam it sounds like your on the right path.
I just wanted to mention that AnimSchool and RiggingDojo have a little diffrent approach to teaching rigging. Make sure you read over our FAQ and see what your schedule allows etc. We get students just like you that are hitting the limit of what they can get from static material.

I really like what David is looking to do with AnimSchool and I am glad that there is another style of training available.

Either way you go, your in a good place here… if I was a student starting out in the industry I would start on the first page of this forum and read it from start to end. Rob has created a great place here. Check out all our links and free live event videos from Rigging Dojo as well ( you can find them on our facebook page and our live archive page

Good luck!

Thanks to all for the great infos!
Because i want to move back to Vancouver this year (i lived in Switzerland the past 17 years :slight_smile: ) I can’t visit a school before this winter anyway, I allready have asked the Mr.Time but he didn’t agree to take a break for a while. That fore i will have a little time to find out which school it will be and get mor infos about them. It will be animschool or riggingdojo. If i really can’t decide in future, i’ll feel free to post you my thoughts (cons and pros) about both schools.


Either way you go, your in a good place here… if I was a student starting out in the industry I would start on the first page of this forum and read it from start to end. Rob has created a great place here. Check out all our links and free live event videos from Rigging Dojo as well ( you can find them on our facebook page and our live archive page

Good luck!

Thansk, I will :).

btw, I hope my english isn’t that bad. I still can’t believe that it once was my native language :D:

[QUOTE=lyko;8787]I’m new here. I’m far far … faaar away of being a Tech-artist.[/QUOTE]

The fact you realize that means you’re really not. If you study in earnest, you’ll probably come into the industry with far more up to date knowledge and techniques than most tech artists. I vastly prefer to hire people with less experience, especially if they have some external or community experience- brain rot is a terrible and all-too-common sin in our field.

That fore i will have a little time to find out which school it will be and get mor infos about them. It will be animschool or riggingdojo. If i really can’t decide in future, i’ll feel free to post you my thoughts (cons and pros) about both schools.

I’ll tell you a secret. Before I met Brad I didn’t think I’d like him. He’s one of these guys who has done like one awesome thing and just ridden it, I thought. So he writes crappy books and gives crappy training sessions and is a corsair consultant, I thought. Well, I was wrong. Brad really knows his shit, keeps up with all the newest techniques and technology, is constantly involved in the community and giving feedback, and really cares about this stuff. 3D training can be full of sheisters, but Brad and the team he’s put together at Rigging Dojo are the real deal.

I once replied with a question on twitter to Rigging Dojo and they made a video to help me. And I am not even a student at Rigging Dojo. So they are really helpful. I hope I can be one of there students in the future.

[QUOTE=Rob Galanakis;8822]Brad really knows his shit, keeps up with all the newest techniques and technology, is constantly involved in the community and giving feedback, and really cares about this stuff.[/QUOTE]

That and he’s a super nice guy too, probably great to work with, if only we could get him out of Austin :laugh:

wow. Riggingdojo has to be awesome :). Can’t wait until i can join my first class.

As for my learning progress… Are there any “rigging challanges” like the python challanges out there? I think it wuold be a really great opportunity for guys like me. Of course i can get some 3D Models and try to rig them as far as my knowledge goes, but it would be a huge advantage to the learning process if there would be challanges. Those could be simple to hard models with simple to hard challanges. Something like a sheet of a fictive animator with rig requirements and control requirements for the specific model.
If this kind of challanges don’t exist, I’m not sure if it’s possible to create them?

Probably off topic, didn’t want to open a new thread for my two cent idea.