Can or should a Dropbox folder be used as a python library location? Why/Why not?

::Editted for finding fix, but other half of the question stands::

I computer hop a lot, on machines I can sync Dropbox to but don’t necessarily want to go to the trouble of doing a full installation of my various collection of tools. I’ve already been maintaining a small library of tools I’ve made or licensed, and just today it occurred to me that I could possibly use a Dropbox folder as a location for pymel / python libraries. So I tried adding my Dropbox python folder to my PYTHONPATH environment variable (EDIT: I was missing a subfolder in this directory,so dropbox technically works as a library location), and mayapy refuses to import modules from the source directory. The directory shows up if I print all paths in sys.path, and true if I search for the path name in sys.path - but if I import a module I get “Traceback (most recent call last): ImportError: No Module named …”

If I go back to my standard tools location not in Dropbox the modules load as expected. I tried searching through stack overflow, google, etc. and I don’t see anyone else describing this problem. I severely doubt other people have tried and failed without complaining, but I can’t find any other leads. Is there some inherent behavior in Dropbox that makes this a foolish effort that should be abandoned anyway? If so are there other lightweight methods of carrying around WIP python libraries and junk that I don’t consider worth a repository?

So with edits in mind, does anyone see a problem with using dropbox as a cheap/easy way to carry around their python libraries?