C# toolset

Hi all,

I’m delving further and further in csharp/dotnet and now I find myself creating little apps that help the pipeline. What I really want to do is have a repository of such that has the latest versions of all the tools. Then I want my tools to auto check for an update on opening the app, and if a newer version is found I’d like it to auto install it. I know it can be done, seen it somewhere else, so any pointers would be really great!


A guy at work used this in his C# applications and it was pretty slick. Every time you opened the tool and there was an update available, it automatically updated.


We have a public tools folder in our source control where all of that stuff lives. And we have a tools build that builds source code into that folder. So I update my source code, call a tools build and the .exe and libraries get updated automatically (or you can just check your binaries into the tools folder directly). Then the artists point their shortcuts to the source control public tools folder. Whenever I update the source code, they automatically get the updated version. No install necessary.

Alirght, I had seen the clickonce settings in the build settings, but have not pursuit it. I will definitly take a look! Thanks!
As for build tools, we are an animation company so we don’t compile a lot of stuff :slight_smile: And I’m the only one writing c#, so for now clickonce sounds like it’s going to be my best friend :slight_smile:


P.s. Any other suggestions are still welcome!

I believe it’s incredibly simple to implement the ClickOnce feature. If you are using Visual Studio, I think all you need to do is from the “Build” menu choose “Publish PROJECTNAME”. It will run you through a wizard that’s very straightforward. After that, any time a user runs the application locally, it will automatically bootstrap through the ClickOnce and check for updates before running.

Yes, I have been doing some reading into it today. The only drawback is that an application is not installed in the program files, and no shortcuts can be made apart from the start menu entry. (ClickOnce Deployment Overview | Microsoft Learn)
But that maybe a small price to pay for quick and easy deployment.

Great pointer though, thanks,