Building Pyside for Maya 2011 x64 on Windows 7 x64

Hi everyone, I realize that this Maya version is very old and that PySide ships with Maya now a days but I need to get PySide to work in Maya 2011.
Have anyone managed to get this to work before?

This is what I have done so far:

  • I have built Autodesk’s QT 4.5.3 x64 with msvc2008 (it failed with 2010)
  • I have downloaded and installed Cmake 2.8
  • I have downloaded the source for PySide 1.0.3
  • I have downloaded the source for Shiboken 1.0.6 and 1.1.2

I’ve followed this guide and adapted to the old version I’m trying to install:

I didn’t come very far with the Shiboken 1.0.6 build because the ApiExtractor and Generatorrunner files were missing from the package, causing cmake to fail almost instantly during the build.
I then thought (I’m not very good at building things so why not try everything?) that maybe Shiboken 1.1.2 would work.

However, building Shiboken 1.1.2 with msvc2010 x64 with the following commands…:

set CMAKE="C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\bin\cmake.exe"
set QMAKE=C:\qt-adsk-4.5.3\qmake\qmake.exe
set MAYA_LOCATION="C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2011"
set PYTHON_EXEC="c:\Python26"
set PYTHON_INC="c:\Python26\include"
set PYTHON_LIB="c:\Python26\lib"


… produces this error:

Cmake Error at CMakeLists.txt:43 (message):
Could not detect Python module installation directory.

Does anyone know what causes this?

Found the error;
"set PYTHON_EXEC=“c:\Python26"” had to be changed to “set PYTHON_EXEC=“c:\Python26\python.exe””