Broken macros in mobu relation constraint


I’m using macros in my relation constraints in Motionbuilder. These have a very nasty tendency to be broken (all connections and inputs and outputs missing) once the scene has been saved and the re-loaded…

Does anyone have a clue what’s up?

Yes, this is a bug in the latest version of mobu-

Bugs found in MotionBuilder 2011-
Take order after reordering in the navigator is not saving, no fix currently

Macros in Relation Constraint does not correctly save/reopen if the macro is in any other node but the first constraint created.

Extrapolation for keyframes , doing loops etc, does not save correctly and reopen-Workaround you have to bake/plot the keys on a layer to make for easy editing/updating with changes.

from my blog post The Character Animator Toolkit for MotionBuilder: Web Questions and Answers for Autodesk MotionBuilder

Thanks a bunch Brad! Great info as always :slight_smile:

Do you know if these things work fine in Mobu 2010? And do you think it’s worth sticking to 2010 for a bit? (I’m the only one in the team that’s moved on to 2011 currently)

The macro issue with relation constraints in 2011 seems to have been resolved in 2011 “advantage pack”
