Bones involved per vertex on skinnded mesh

In Maya’s Component Editor, under the Smooth Skins tag we can easily see which bones are participated in weighting on a vertex basis.

How to reveal this (able to access all the bones name (or bone indices)) and the weight info using MEL ?

Thanks again.

This will get a list (return a string array) of the joint names:
skinCluster -q -influence "skinName";
This will return the weight, loop through for each joint:
skinPercent -t "jointname" -q "skinName" "vertexselectionname";

Items from the skinPercent call that are 0.0 are not influencing the vertex.

sweet. will give it a try :smiley:

Like everything in Maya, there are other ways to do it. You can retrieve an array of values with the -v switch on skinPercent, which could be faster depending on what you are doing.

But I know that method works, and is pretty simple to understand.