Baking Animation and Alembic practical applications


I am doing a research paper on Baking Animation and Alembic for future short CG productions (I want to insert it into our current pipeline structure). At this moment, I need to find out how commonly used these two things are and how well it is received by people in the industry. Do you use Animation Baking and/or Alembic?

The software we will be mainly using is Autodesk Maya 2015.

If you have any insight into Baking Animation and/or Alembic, please feel free to share.

My paper is purely academic and any sources used will be referenced.

Thank You!

We bake animations for our CG production, but we still use legacy cache system maya offers. With tools for easy updating from animation to rendering scenes.

Alembic was created by 2 of the most important studios in the world to tackle common problems found in today’s complex pipelines. It is aimed to be an industry standard, so I would dare to say that it is pretty common.

The following video has some interesting insights and numbers (It is kind of old) that might be useful for your research: