Forked this thread from the Creating a Pipleine for a Small Studio due to some responses being more detailed than necessary.
How do you, technically, deal with keeping track of files and assets in a project?
I brought up the idea of using a tagging approach. Having each file tagged with relevant information so that you search for specific files easily, and also maintain your directory structure more efficiently.
E.g. You’d like to find all Character rigs from your all your projects put toghether, in case one of them suits the need for the next one. You’d simply filter all files with a “Project*” tag, that also had tags like “Character, Biped, Final” to list all of the relevant characters that are ready for re-use.
My post from the previous thread:
I’ve been giving the metadata idea some more thought tho, and I think it could be pretty transparent and, in the end, very helpful.
Like, if files were tagged with information about to which project the belong, which sequence/shot/version and date etc. etc., then files that somehow manage to strain from the directory structure could be searched for and automatically be put back into place. Adding an extra layer of security if nothing else.
Also, dunno if you’ve ever tried the asset tracking software Shotgun, but it has some interesting and very helpful filtering techniques that are based on tagging that could also be facilitated if all your project files were tagged in a similar fashion. Like, you could search for files belonging to a certain user, created between this and this time interval and was currently Not Finished, or something. It would filter the metadata of all your files, and return only the files that matches all the tags.
And, for transparency, you wouldn’t want to have to go though an individual tagging process, right? But that could instead be easily be integrated into the asset tracking software. So that for every file you submit (via right click menu, for instance) would, after user specification, not only be put into the right folder in the right location, but also get tagged with relevant information.
Seamless and harmless. Harmless cause, to my understanding, the metadata would be put into a separate “stream” of the file (still reading up on the subject), thus not having the ability to cause any damage like corruption or what not.